

35 mm is the name of the most common motion picture film. I wanted to design an app dedicated to moviegoers and people who deeply love movies.

The main concept is that among public domain movies, there are true pearls that users could easily discover and learn curiosities about. Public Domain Movies could live again and be enhanced.

What moviegoers want?

Audiovisual content is everywhere, and we are almost overwhelmed with content. One of the big questions of this project is: how can we make old movies live again?

Visual content is reaching new ways of interactivity. We can watch movies in 3D at our homes and literally interact with them. 

Public-domain movies are at the beginning of this amazing path,  and this feature has the scope to make this fact evident.

Cinephile mode on

In a crowded OTT and streaming market, besides content, there are features and UX to make a difference. I designed a unique feature to add value to the experience of watching a movie and go deep into movie culture.

Cinephile Mode is a feature that allows users to watch the movie and discover fun facts or curiosities.
It is a non-intrusive feature, that could engage moviegoers and other users. 

It is the added value of re-watching these historical movies, but it can be easily turned off at any moment.

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© Antonino De Stefano 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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© Antonino De Stefano 2024. All Rights Reserved.